음악 81

The Sound of Silence - Emiliana Torrini

♬The Sound of Silence - Emiliana Torrini ♬ Hello, darkness, my old friend I've come to talk with you again Because a vision softly creeping Left its seeds while I was sleeping And the vision, that was planted in my brain Still remains Within the sound of silence  내 오랜 친구 어둠이여.너와 얘기하기 위하여 다시 돌아왔네.내가 잠들어 있는 동안누군가가 내게 들어와내 머리 속에 이런 씨앗을 심어놓았네.지금도 침묵의 소리 가운데In restless dreams I walked alone Narrow st..

음악 2010.12.09

I Don't Know how To Love Him - Helen Reddy

I Don't Know how To Love Him - Helen Reddy  I don't Know how to love him What to do, how to move him I've been changed, yes really changed In these past few days when I've seen myself I seem like someone else  나는 그를 어떻게 사랑해야 할 지 모르겠어요 무엇을 해야하고, 어떻게 그의 마음을 움직일 수 있을지 나는 변했어요, 예 정말 변했어요 요즘 몇일간 내가 내자신을 바라볼 때 꼭 다른 사람 같아요  I don't Know how to take this I don't see why he moves me He is a man, he's jus..

음악 2010.12.09

Stoney - Lobo

I've known her since we both were kids I recall the silly things we did She would want to ride up on my back To keep from stepping on a crack 나는 어렸을 적부터 그녀를 알고 지냈지요 난 우리가 놀았던 철없던 행동들을 생각해봅니다 그녀는 틈 사이로 빠지지 않으려고 내 등에 올라타는 말타기 놀이를 하고 싶어하곤 했지요 I didn't think of it back then But even when she did not win She was happy just to play Stoney liked to live out everyday 지나간 일에 대해선 생각해 보지 않았어요 하지만 그녀는 놀이에 졌..

음악 2010.12.09

We'll Be One By Two Today - Lobo

We'll Be one By Two Today - Lobo We'll be one by two today우리는 이제 하나가 되려고 한다네Won't you help us find a better way더 좋은 방법이 있는지 알려 주게나Please make us feel that we are right잘한 일이라 생각 할 수 있게 해주게나To want to come together tonight오늘 밤 우리가 찾아온 것을We've come to ask your help my friend친구여 우리는 자네의 도움을 받고 싶다네'Cause you know just how it's been왜냐하면 어떻게 살아왔는지 자네는 알기 때문이라네We've got a lot to ask of you전에도 많은 것을 물어보곤..

음악 2010.12.09